
Far North Queensland COVID-19 Safety Awareness

Serious doesn’t have to be boring.

When we received the brief to create COVID-19 messaging for the region, we looked at how we could blend some of the region's most iconic places and animals with a serious message, and have a bit of fun with it at the same time. Promote the uniqueness of FNQ, which conveys what is literally a life or death message, all while keeping it light and engaging; sounds easy doesn’t it!

Working with the talented teams at Tourism Tropical North Queensland and Cairns Airport, we put together a list of iconic regional concepts that worked with the messaging.

Our personal favourite is the creative utilising the Cassowary. An adult cassowary generally grows to be about 1.5m from nose to tail, so it fits perfectly into the prescribed social distancing requirements. It also increases the profile of the Cassowary which is critically endangered, while it serves as a reminder that you should stay well away from these territorial descends of Velociraptors.

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